Avatar 15D Facilitator Systems
The Avatar 15D Facilitator Systems are very powerful and highly transformational energetic healing modalities that are available below. These Facilitator Systems create amazing shifts and changes within one’s energy fields. They are not like all of these different types of attunement-based energy healing modalities.
Unfortunately there are thousands of these different types of systems popping up all over the place and most of them are actually operating on a 3D physical frequency. Much different than the level of energy that you will be working with within these systems.
Certain 15D Facilitator Systems require specific prerequisites. To begin, you must purchase one or more of the Base 15D Facilitator Systems. When you see a specific Facilitator System that has a prerequisite, you will be required to have the prerequisite in order to be able to work with the energies.
Don’t sell yourself short and purchase Advanced Facilitator Systems without the proper prerequisites or you will not be energetically or vibrationally prepared for it and also you won’t be able to help your clients.
It’s also very important that if a facilitator system has more than one part to it, that you are to receive the session and go through with the imbue yourself with all parts because you will not be able to perform the other parts if you’ve not completed the session and imbuement.
After you’ve purchased your facilitator system, go to the respective area of what you’ve purchased (information page when clicking on each facilitator system below) and you will be able to access the following:
- The session itself that you will be able to call down on your on leisure, specific to that service. If there are more than one session, please follow the instructions on for how long in between the time you wait for each session.
- After you’ve received the session, you then go through the imbuement so that you are now energetically and vibrationally prepared to perform the session itself. This goes for all subsequent parts in each system as well, if there are more than one.
- It is important to know that you are going to have access to all services. You must receive the session and imbue yourself with each one before you can actively perform sessions. Do not skip these steps. Otherwise you won’t be able to use the energies until you do.
As as separate example of being energetically prepared, if you purchase the Avatar 12 Strand DNA Activation Facilitator System and you do not have the required prerequisite of either the J-Seals & Unnatural Implants Removal Facilitator or Matrix Unplugging Facilitator Systems (Base Facilitator Systems), you can not activate anyone’s DNA until you are able to remove the various distortions that are blocking DNA from being able to activate. Any facilitator system showing “—” signifies that they are not part of a prerequisite and can freely be performed without any additional requirements.
If you’ve purchased any of the systems and you’ve not received the session or imbued yourself, you can’t perform the session on others until you do.
Facilitator System + Quantum Shortcut Built-In
In the table below, with your purchase, you are buying the 15D Facilitator System(s) that comes equipped with the Quantum Shortcut Built-in technology. What this means is, when you receive your manuals, you will be given a specific command line that you are being imbued with to be able to perform on yourself, your family, or your clients. There is no healing script code to that you are able to have access to or see how the healing system is structured.
Everything you need will be there and ready for you and you don’t have to spend very much time learning how to perform the service because it is a simple command that you state for each person you are performing the session for. This is also the lowest cost option available to you. You will not have access to any of this with this option of purchase. If you are interested in the healing script code itself and being able to effectively “make it yours”, choose the Facilitator System + White Label Rights option below this table.
*** NOTE: The payment button will disappear once you’ve purchased a specific system. ***
Remember, once you’ve purchased any of the above systems, click the link underneath the information page of the facilitator system you’ve purchased that says: “Click Here To Access Your Facilitator System” and follow the step-by-step instructions on how to access your purchase.
Please see the legend below if you are not sure which prerequisite facilitator system is required.
Facilitator System + White Label Rights
In the table below, with your purchase, you are buying the 15D Facilitator System(s) that does not come equipped with the Quantum Shortcut Built-in technology. Instead, you are being given access to the entire healing script code and are able to “make it yours” on how you choose. This means that when you purchase White Label Rights, you will be able to change any part of the code to what you want or choose to do.
You will have full access to modify at your convenience, but there will be no support given for this if you modify. Support is only given if you are leaving the healing script code in its original form. If you choose to modify the healing script code and you don’t know what you are doing, you may stop the healing from working properly.
However, you will be able to change all of the wording as if you have created the system yourself. You can change the name of the system and anything about it that you would like to modify to make it your own. I don’t recommend changing the healing script code, but you have the ability to do so, if you choose.
You are also being given the ability to train new facilitators as well. Everything you need is included to bring on new facilitators. The only requirement is that you must change the branding of your facilitator system to your own. Which means Avatar Activation Academy and Xan’ther Ka EnRa El must not be in any of your manuals.
As stated above, White Label Rights versions of any facilitator systems does not come with the Quantum Shortcut Built-in System because you have the ability to change your facilitator systems the way that you want it. If you want to purchase the Quantum Shortcut System and be able to program all of your facilitator systems and anything else, you may do so [ HERE ].
*** NOTE: The payment button will disappear once you’ve purchased a specific system. ***
Remember, once you’ve purchased any of the above systems, click the link underneath the information page of the facilitator system you’ve purchased that says: “Click Here To Access Your Facilitator System” and follow the step-by-step instructions on how to access your purchase.
Please see the legend below if you are not sure which prerequisite facilitator system is required.